My Top 5 Medium Stories in 2017
Do you see a trend?
Taking Inventory
We all need to stop and take an inventory — the fridge is a big one in my house followed closely by the shoe bin.
As a writer, I also take inventory of the words I publish and the words I can’t find the courage to publish. What surprised me most about my top stories is the deep human connection present in all of them. Duh! It is even in the title of my most popular story! How could I miss that?
Well, the answer is . . . I haven’t stopped to take an inventory of what is resonating with my readers.
Now What?
Ok, this question may be just for me. Now that I have these data points, what will I do?
I live a simple, sacred, soulful life — then I write about it. I invite you into my world and give you permission to live mindfully in your own way. My writing is a resource. A lamp in the darkness, a guide for those on the path, a bridge for those crossing the river.
My Deepest Thanks
Thank you so much for reading, clapping, commenting and offering your guidance as I navigate this vulnerable writing career. I write for you. I tell your stories and my own. We are all walking each other home!
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