Member-only story
Lesson 104
Mindful Pursuits
I have always loved taking photos — my brother said early on I should pursue photojournalism as a career but I listened to others …
(I am open to the possibilities that unfold when I listen to myself more often. Only I know what is in my heart, I just need to trust . . . )
Mindful Realizations
In 2018, my son and I were on a road trip in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, glancing out of my window I caught a glimpse of an old church with a weathered statue of Mary in a Miraculous pose, it was breathtaking. She stood proudly in the midst of weeds, ruble, and decay. Even though we were on “vacation” I felt an obligation to get to our destination, I chose not to stop. I was discouraged on many levels.
I told my son ”someday I’m going to stop and take a photo whenever the mood strikes me”. He half-heartedly affirmed my desire in a typical teenager way.
(I am open to engaging in healthy, loving conversations with myself — as if I were my own friend.)
Mindful Sharing
This photo is one of those moments when I become a photojournalist for my own joy. Do you know what also brings me joy? Sharing!
My photos won’t be in any National Geographic any time soon but they document this beautiful life I’m living.
(I trust in following my intuition and intentions without an agenda or audience.)